Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Highlights from the World Tea Expo

I just returned from the World Tea Expo which I have attended for the sixth consecutive year.
This convention is open to members of the tea trade around the world.
Every year I gain knowledge and of the most current tea trends,
attend educational seminars from the industry's leading tea educators,
and meet other tea professionals from around the world.
I had the privilege of tasting rare teas from Hawaii and Viet Nam
with my favorite tea lady, Jane Pettiqrew.
I am so looking forward to sharing my highlights with my tea time guests
and waiting to receive the wonderful teas and accoutrements
that I ordered and will be available for purchase.
I have posted lots of photos on my facebook page. Please visit
Camellia Rose Tea Room & Boutique on facebook to view photos and details!
Cheers, keep sippin!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beautiful Gifts Galore

For all our "Thymes" Fragrance friends, look what we have!!!

Everyone loves "Switchflops.":)

Have you tried "Lollia"?

Hand Knitted "blabla" dolls have just arrived, sooooo cute!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Have you visited us lately?

Just thought I would share a glimpse of our boutique with you.